Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Not much has changed...

We have a bright green front door and a stove - those are about the only noticeable changes in the house since the hot water came on. I think the door looks cute, although Michael, of course, is not a fan.

The stove is in the kitchen, but not hooked up. So at the moment, it is more of a nuisance than anything useful as I have to move around it to try to paint the walls. Our kitchen is like an obstacle course right now, not much space to move around in. But when the walls are painted, we should be able to hook the stove up since it is gas and then finally we will be able to cook something in the house besides lean cuisines, chef-boyardee, and cereal

Michael has torn down most of the walls in the pantry/laundry room. He has put up some insulation and two pieces of sheet rock. Someone is supposed to be coming tomorrow to put up the remaining sheet rock and to close off the doorway where the washer and dryer will be. So yep, we still don't have the washer and dryer hooked up. We were already doing dishes in the bathtub, but Michael has also done a little laundry in there too. The electrician should be coming soon, as well, but we haven't heard from him. Hopefully it will be soon.

We also have a porch swing now, but it has not made it to the house yet. Once it's up, though, it is going to look so cute. I am very excited about the swing.

Our adopted black cat, BP, has become a regular fixture on our front porch. I have tried wooing a small Siamese cat that hangs around sometimes, but it has not worked so far. In the meantime, I will be thinking of a cute name to call it whenever it decides that it wants to be adopted as well.

This weekend is going to be a big weekend for the house (whether Michael knows it/wants it or not). I will post pictures once we have gotten a few more things done.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


We have hot water! yay! :)

Since the blog-gods apparently smiled down on us yesterday after I posted no hot water, let's try this again and see if it works...

still no laundry :(

Monday, August 2, 2010


still no hot water :(