Sunday, June 20, 2010

Week 3

Week 3:

It is now actually starting to look like we've done some work. Michael's dad came over Friday and the two of them worked all day on the bathroom floor. They tore up the rotted wood where the toilet used to be and the rotted wood in the front bedroom. Then they replaced the wood in the bathroom and put down backerboard in the bathroom. They ran into a little trouble finding the wood to go in the front bedroom, so meanwhile, we have a big hole in the floor. Since there is no sub-floor, you just see all the way to the dirt. It's a little strange.

On Saturday, we got up early and headed to - where else - Home Depot, to get some supplies. Then we headed over to the house. I worked on patching the ceilings, which I have decided is my least favorite chore of everything we have done. But I got it done. Now the spots just need to be sanded and then they can be painted. Then my mom came over and helped me start painting. We started with the dining room. Of course, we totally Tom Sawyer-ed my dad into helping (the brush goes which way...?). We finished painting the dining room (first coat) and started on the front bedroom. Michael's family came over and checked everything out. Plans were made on what to do with the kitchen and they picked up some tile for the bathroom. Michael worked on putting up the beadboard in the bathroom, which I think looks really cool. Saturday night we went to Lowe's and got a new lawnmower and edger (and some creeper said, "girl, it looks like your grass is growin'").

On Sunday, it was back to painting. My mom and I finished the front bedroom, the living room, and the middle bedroom.

Michael's mom worked on tiling the bathroom. It is looking pretty good now.

Michael did a lot of work in the yard, including mowing in the middle of the day, which I thought was a little nuts considering its 101 degrees outside. He also started painting the bathtub which is going to look great when he finishes.

All in all, a very productive weekend. The house is starting to come together. As Michael says, we're 90% done with 90% to go...

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