Monday, September 6, 2010

Starting to look like someone lives here

Our house is finally starting to come together. As Michael said, it's finally starting to look like someone lives here. A couple of weeks ago, I painted the front door a bright green and we hung the porch swing Aunt Sally bought for us. We also put lights along the front walkway so the front of the house looks really cute.

Today, I put out some fall decorations. I am very excited that we will have trick-or-treaters this year! Our decorations come complete with black cat...

This past weekend, we finally got our kitchen in semi-working order - the cabinets were installed! The guys worked all day Saturday on them and they look awesome. I got most everything unpacked into the cabinets and we were able to finally clean up the rest of the house. Now the only rooms left are the laundry/pantry and the front bedroom. Here is how they look -

Our living room and dining room now look a lot neater without all the stuff in boxes.
Lastly, our house wouldn't be complete without our two cats outside - the black one is BP and the Siamese one is Frank Sinatra because he has the bluest eyes.

Now, if we can get the dryer hooked up and the kitchen sink working, the house will be in pretty great shape!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Not much has changed...

We have a bright green front door and a stove - those are about the only noticeable changes in the house since the hot water came on. I think the door looks cute, although Michael, of course, is not a fan.

The stove is in the kitchen, but not hooked up. So at the moment, it is more of a nuisance than anything useful as I have to move around it to try to paint the walls. Our kitchen is like an obstacle course right now, not much space to move around in. But when the walls are painted, we should be able to hook the stove up since it is gas and then finally we will be able to cook something in the house besides lean cuisines, chef-boyardee, and cereal

Michael has torn down most of the walls in the pantry/laundry room. He has put up some insulation and two pieces of sheet rock. Someone is supposed to be coming tomorrow to put up the remaining sheet rock and to close off the doorway where the washer and dryer will be. So yep, we still don't have the washer and dryer hooked up. We were already doing dishes in the bathtub, but Michael has also done a little laundry in there too. The electrician should be coming soon, as well, but we haven't heard from him. Hopefully it will be soon.

We also have a porch swing now, but it has not made it to the house yet. Once it's up, though, it is going to look so cute. I am very excited about the swing.

Our adopted black cat, BP, has become a regular fixture on our front porch. I have tried wooing a small Siamese cat that hangs around sometimes, but it has not worked so far. In the meantime, I will be thinking of a cute name to call it whenever it decides that it wants to be adopted as well.

This weekend is going to be a big weekend for the house (whether Michael knows it/wants it or not). I will post pictures once we have gotten a few more things done.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


We have hot water! yay! :)

Since the blog-gods apparently smiled down on us yesterday after I posted no hot water, let's try this again and see if it works...

still no laundry :(

Monday, August 2, 2010


still no hot water :(

Friday, July 30, 2010

Moving along...

We haven't done just a whole lot lately, with me being back at work and our weekends being a little more full. However, little by little, stuff is getting done. We got some pictures hung on the walls. Michael moved his furniture into the front bedroom (and his bags and bags full of clothes). The floor in the kitchen and laundry room has been finished, just waiting on the grout to be sealed. The plumber came yesterday and started his work (yes, we are going on two weeks with no hot water...). Hopefully, we will have hot water tomorrow and be able to hook up the washer and dryer soon. Although, without the electrician, we can't run the washer and dryer... which is why I had to go to my parent's house this week to do laundry - felt like I was in college again. As soon as the plumber finishes his work, we should be able to install the cabinets. That'll be great because then I can finally unpack all my kitchen boxes. So it's coming along... just not leaps and bounds....

Thursday, July 22, 2010

We've officially moved in

Last weekend, we officially moved into the house. Everything was packed in a hurry, but we got it all moved out of the apartment. Getting it unpacked has been another story. Without a kitchen to put stuff in, unpacking become a challenge. I've got kitchen stuff stacked up in every single room. I tried last night to at least get all the boxes stacked neatly. That's about all I can do at this point. Here, at least, is what the dining room and the bedroom look like without all the "stuff":

The living room looks better than it did but is still a little messy:

The front bedroom is where we have stored most of the stuff temporarily, including the washer, dryer, and kitchen table:

On Tuesday night, Michael and his friend James moved everything out of the kitchen, including the stove, water heater, and sink. So I've been having to wash dishes in the bathroom - not fun. But they had to get everything out so that the kitchen floors could be started yesterday. The tile is looking really nice. Meanwhile, though, we cannot walk on it, not even the dog or the cat, whic which is not easy to do. It also means going through the bedroom to get to the back of the house and not being able to get to the backyard at all temporarily. At least its only for a few days....:

And in case you did not catch that, the hot water heater has been moved out of the house. Yes, that's right, no hot water. Which has become an awesome motivation for me to get up and go to the gym every morning because at least there I can take a hot shower. And the electrician still has not shown up which means I get to pull an extension cord into the bathroom every morning to dry my hair. I hope this doesn't last too much longer.... At least things are moving along and when we are done, I am sure everything will look awesome.
Lastly, I moved my 13-year-old cat, Puddin', in over the weekend. She seems to be adjusting nicely, much better than when I moved her into my first apartment and she wouldn't come out of the closet for two days. Holly is very excited to have her there, although Puddin' is not quite as excited that a new home did not mean a new dog. But she is finding new places to hide from Holly:

Monday, July 12, 2010

Getting very close to moving day...

Moving day is Saturday, July 17th. Yikes. And I am in Nashville so there is not a lot that will get done this week. However, we got a TON done over the last week and a half. You can hardly recognize the house.

On July 4th, Michael hung a flag outside the house, which looks great. Very patriotic.

Over last weekend, we stripped the ceilings in both the dining room and the middle bedroom and painted them. Now they look much better. We also finished painting the dining room and the middle bedroom, and even though Michael did not want any colors, I felt that those two rooms needed it because they tend to stay darker than the other rooms. And I felt like two out of 6 or 7 rooms was not too bad... I think they turned out very cute.

Dining room:
We have really been pushing to get the bathroom done since obviously we cannot live in the house without a bathroom. We finished the beadboard and got it painted and it turned out very nice. Then we put in the toilet and the vanity.
We added these panels to the window to make it look like textured glass. I am pretty excited about it because I think it looks really cool.
My dad came over this past weekend to help out, too. He spent all day Saturday on the shower, even crawling under the house several times. Thank goodness, though, because we now have a workable shower.
Michael put up a new chair rail and we got it painted so the bathroom turned out really cute.
My dad also helped out with the closets. There is only one closet in the house with the capacity to hang clothes so he put a new rod and shelf in that one.
The other closet is not deep enough for hangers, so we put shelves in it for storage.
Since one closet is not enough space for my massive wardrobe, we had to get creative. We took the back bedroom and put panels in the middle and clothes racks on the other side. Now there is plenty of room for hanging clothes.
The other half of the room will be used for office space. I bought a new desk this week to use.
On Saturday, we inherited a china hutch which looks pretty nice in our yellow dining room. The table should be coming soon.
All in all, everything is coming along very nicely. The two big projects left are the kitchen and the laundry/pantry area. The electrician should be coming at the beginning of next week so that hopefully I will be able to dry my hair in the bathroom and make my coffee in the morning. Hopefully, everything turns out all right.
Holly is definitely excited about her new home. She loves running around in her new backyard and playing the piano.

Will update after we move everything in. Hope everything fits!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Nearing the end... of the beginning...

So much has happened but my internet has been out so it's been challenging to update. So here goes...

Well, we have finished a lot. The front bedroom is painted, trim and all, and I even put up a pretty light fixture cover and hung the new blinds. Now I sometimes like to go sit in there just to remind myself that it is possible to finish. I think it looks pretty awesome.

We then started in on the living room, which we were also able to complete, and I painted the hallway.

Michael finished putting down the laminate flooring in the back bedroom, and now that we've painted it, I'd say this room is one of the biggest improvements.



The only thing left in this room is the trim on the bottom... and electricity. We bought a desk and a clothes rack for this room today since it is going to be our office/closet.

The bathroom is coming along very nicely. We finally have a toilet in, which I was pretty excited about. The beadboard has been painted and tonight, my dad came over and helped put the vanity in. It looks super awesome. Now we just need to get the tub/shower configured and the bathroom will be pretty well set... or at least usable.

There is a lot more to tell about, but it will have to wait. It's late and the mosquitos are biting me as I steal internet down by the pool....

Monday, June 28, 2010

Almost finished a room...

Week 4:

It is actually starting to look like we're making some progress... On Friday night, Michael and his friend Dave worked on hanging the beadboard up in the bathroom. Thank goodness, the fish are finally gone. There is only one piece left and the beadboard will all be hung.

I worked on patching the holes in the back bedroom and finished patching all the ceilings.

On Saturday, my mom and I went to Home Depot and purchased a vanity and toilet for the bathroom. Then we started in on the painting. We got the ceiling and the walls painted in the bathroom so it is starting to really look good. Michael worked on cutting some more tile for the floor.

Next, I started in on painting the back bedroom. Since it was bright blue, the paint doesn't cover up very well. However, it does look a lot better. Michael started in on putting down the laminate flooring so this room is going to be a huge improvement.

While Michael worked on the laminate flooring, I worked on the front bedroom. This one is the closest to being finished. I painted the ceiling and this is apparently what happens when you do that (which of course, Michael thought was hilarious. I didn't see him offering to help though...) -

I finished the ceiling and started in on cutting in the room. I was determined to finish that room that night. But then.... I ran out of paint. So we called it a night.

On Sunday, I picked up some more paint and then taped off the room. I rolled the walls and began painting the trim. It is starting to look really good. I should be able to finish it this week.

Michael's stepdad came over and sprayed the ceilings. I was really excited because it meant we could finish painting all the rooms. Then this happened... -

Apparently, old houses have wallpaper on the ceilings. So when we sprayed, the paint was too heavy for the wallpaper, and it peeled off in the dining room and one bedroom. So now we have to paint the ceilings again. They will probably end up looking even better, but still, it is one more thing we have to do and it means all the time I spent patching the ceilings was kind of a waste...
We should be able to get a lot done this week because my vacation starts Wednesday. I hope to get everything painted in the next week. We will see...